Monday, March 23, 2015

The role of Rigidity and Choice

Acceptance and Committment Therapy explores the meanings people ascribe to a situation. ( What meaning do my ASD kids ascribe? Whatever it is, it rocks them to their core if they can't get their way.)

One thought: getting to choose and having it come to pass build self-efficacy.

Remember how preschoolers have to bounce off of you to know who they are. It's more like they bounce an idea/ self concept off us and if it doesn't come back as Yes, it's as if they don't exist. ( and this is disturbing) one child would say everything in the universe is off (gravity for ex) if he can't make sense of the situation and his role in it. Missing a well developed pre frontal cortex telling him. Later, first I need to deal w/ this error message is catastrophic.

Is it, not trusting he can deal with whatever comes up?
It's more... Not getting to print... Not recreating his rigidity is majorly disruptive. (Aren't we all like this. We live in routine b/c it's one less thing to think about, to perceive as new stimulus. And what if you were hyper sensitive to stimuli. You would use rigidity to exhale. At least this will be so. / it's as if it is not So everything you thought you could trust in the universe is also no longer true. Hmmmmm.....

Bk persons in context p.148
Effectiveness rests on a persons ability to adapt. (My children's bk. either this or that, both are okay) this is a cornerstone.

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