Monday, March 23, 2015

Be- coming

Speaking your truth is prayer, whatever you're feeling. Speaking your truth puts you in the center of God.

Keep to the moving truth within you
A pattern will emerge

It's not just showing up in every room as me (some fixed externally perceptible version of me.)
It's showing up in touch with the changing tides of your becoming unsure of what will be revealed or hidden and ultimately how that will be received. The goal is to experience and express the current state of your soul even in the face of a bossy people harping & telling you to do it differently. - Brene Brown

Jesus always knew who he was.
And that might be the very characteristic that set him apart.  Never people pleasing, he knew he was amazing, the son of God ( as we all are), and he showed up as himself fearlessly , courageously, and consistently.
He experienced his divinity and expressed his heart in every moment.

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