Friday, October 12, 2012

"Never argue perception." -carol gray

"Never argue perception."  This is the number 1 point Carol Gray wants us to take away.  She's worked with autism for 20 years.  She invented and spreads the concept of social stories, and she wisely says, "Never argue perception."

You can see the point is a logical one, but when a child says to you, "I didn't" when you just saw they did, another part of your brain jumps to the wheel, and it's not the logical one.  It is the loud mouth who has to be right, who saw what I saw.  Don't argue perception  Even if there is no WAY they could be right.  Remember the comic, "Never try to teach a pig to sing.  It just frustrates you, and annoys the pig."  Arguing perception is much like this.  Nobody wins.  And in this analogy is could just as likely be that we are the pig, and the child is trying to explain it to us, but we just don't get it.  In the event we are humble enough to see their perspective, we may learn more about how they are piecing the world together. 

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